Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When life gives you lemons...

have them removed!! That's what someone once told me about tonsils. In all the 40 years that my ENT surgeon had been practicing he had never seen anything as big and ridiculous as my tonsils. In fact, he said that he just had to keep them. Apparently I passed those killer honkin tonsils on down to my son! It only took him about 0.5 seconds of looking in Camden's throat to say, "Yep! Those are some big puppies! There's no way he'll be growing into those." He then asked Camden where he got them - WalMart or Target? Greg chimed in with, "Must have been Sam's. Apparently they are value sized!" Ha. Good times. At least I know that my son will be in good hands and the doc is good with children.

Any doubts that I had about whether or not he needed to have the surgery done were alleviated yesterday. Cam's nose started running late last week and then got green and icky over the weekend. Knowing that we were on the 10 day countdown, and that he never gets better from this point, I decided to go ahead and take him in to the doc yesterday. Of course, after I called and made the appointment his nose didn't run anymore. Isn't that how it always happens? It's like their little bodies hear that they have to go see the doc so they suddenly wanna straighten up and act right. Either way, we went to the appointment. Dr. Laue said it was definitely on it's way to an infection and was pretty much a judgement call, but he agreed that with an impending surgery he needed the meds. Round 5 for the year!! Poor kid. Luckily I headed it off this time before he was completely miserable. He did wake up with a cough this morning though.

We had a great weekend. The Dixon's came over on Sunday and we grilled and had margaritas. The backyard looked like a fun zone! It was great for the kids. Avery is going to be a water baby. I couldn't get her out of the baby pool. She would act like she wanted out, but then wanted down and she would crawl back in. Camden at her age was not interested in the water at all, but she definitely is. My son is a complete outdoor boy. He asked me to put his bed out there. I bet that would last for about 2 seconds when he heard a coyote howl. We love the new friends we are making!

Other than tonsils out next week life is pretty much the same! I started a new course this week that is a survey of special education. I love it. Definitely one of the most interesting courses I have taken in my program. I thought at one point I wanted to be a special education teacher, but then I spoke with a lady who had been one for years and she said the paperwork will bog you down. I don't wanna spend my time behind a desk. I'm gonna be a teacher for the face-to-face classroom time and to make a difference for the kids. With classroom inclusion becoming as popular as it is today in our schools the likelihood is that I will have special education students that I can reach in my classroom.

Hope you all are having a great week!

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