Sunday, June 6, 2010

What a whirlwind.

This past week in this household has been one crazy week! Ack!

Last weekend (Memorial Day weekend) was great!! Mom got here on Saturday. Then, on Sunday the Johnston's from Atlanta came and we threw Lauren an 11th birthday party. Then on Monday we got invited to the Gore's for a Memorial Day cookout. They even put some sprinkles and a candle in a brownie and sang Happy Birthday. Too sweet. Lots of hamburgers, lots of extra weight, but all in all a truly great weekend.

On Tuesday the kids were here for the one day of the week and then on Wednesday we had Camden's surgery. Oh what an experience. Anyone local reading this I would advise against surgery at Crestwood Hospital. I have never heard BAD things about them, so I didn't think it would be a bad experience. I was wrong.

We got up in the morning and headed over. Crack of dawn. Of course Camden couldn't have anything to eat or drink and considering how much he loves his milk and pop-tarts that was tough. The first thing that irritated me (on a list of many) was the fact that we had to sit in the lobby and wait for over an hour for them to take us back. Of course, there were people out there chomping on their breakfasts and my poor son keeps asking us, "where's my food? why can't I eat anything?" Grrrrr.. that's hard to explain to a 3-year-old who doesn't even truly understand why he's there in the first place. Then they took us back to a pre-surgery room and gave us a shirt to change him in to. The nurse came in and then the anesthesiologist and then the doc, etc. Within 10 minutes they were ready to take him into surgery. The problem was they took him away from me without letting me walk him back there. The one cool thing they did was put him in a Jeep Power Wheels and run down the hall with him. So, he was slightly distracted but I had to force him to get into the thing in the first place. All the while he's saying, "Mommy? Mommy, are you there?" So of course we start walking down the hall to follow and they say, "Oh no. You have to go this way." This way = opposite way of the way they are taking my son. So, of course I start crying. It's scary to me as an adult for them to put a mask on my face, so I can only imagine how scared Camden was at that point.

We were in the lobby for about 6 or 7 minutes and they called us up to the podium. They said that he was under and they started at 8:19. We knew the doc said about 30 minutes so of course we were timing it. Right about 29 minutes (ha!) the doc came out. He said that Camden was fine, and already waking up.. (alarms going off in Mommy's head!!ahh!!) He said that his tonsils were enlarged and when he started taking out the right one it began falling apart. He said his adenoids were also engorged so he removed those also. So, then he says that he was asking for someone, etc. So, I'm like foaming at the mouth.. lol.. rabid dog style.. get me to my child!! So, the lady tells me that we can go back but Greg has to stay.

I swear that walk to the recovery took about 5 minutes. We walked into the recovery room and she starts to ask the desk where Camden is and then I hear him screaming at one end. So, I just take off running and come around the curtain and he is off the bed, wrestling 2 nurses, has ripped his IV out, blood everywhere, screaming and crying noooooo! noooo! NOOO!! So, I threw my stuff down and jumped into the bed and just wrapped my arms around him. I think I must have said "it's okay. Mommy's here," about 200 times. I was heartbroken. I'm sure he will be less traumatized by the experience than me. Greg said I needed the 2 hours of recovery more than he did.

Today is really his first completely good day. He has taken no pain meds in about 32 hours now. Woohooo! Big improvement. I'm really just ready to have my little boy back. His voice has changed and he sounds soooo cute!! It's a voice that is suited for a 3-year-old instead of his old, gruff, monster truck voice!

1 comment:

  1. so I am in tears because I guess I stopped following you already by the time you posted this. :-(
