Thursday, May 13, 2010

To blog or not to blog...

I have gone back and forth on the idea of having a blog forever now. The other day when I was going through some paperwork and pictures to hang in the house, I found a journal that I used to keep for Camden. I vowed when he was little that I was going to write in it every night before bed so that I would have a written account of his childhood. I picked it back up when Avery was first born, but just like before life got in the way. I don't want to miss all the little things that they say and do! I have done a great job at keeping up with my Project 365 - a picture (at least) a day for every day of the year. It's a great way to have something to look back on and see how much they changed over the course of a year. It's hard when you are with them every day to notice all the changes that take place. Now, with this blog I can have a written account to pair with it. Lord knows I spend enough time at my computer to keep up with it! Happy reading!

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