Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, Monday.. dah dah, dah dah dah...

That -9s++ong6 856685al8slw6a6y+8s comes to mind when
.Mnonday comes around. (Translation: That song always comes to mind when Monday rolls around. Thanks for the help Ave!)

It seems like the weekends pass more and more quickly these days. Especially when no nap for two days + a very busy weekend = my son going to bed before 7:00 pm and rise-and-shining at about 3:45 am. H-o-l-y C -o-w! He came into my room expecting me to get up with him at that time. Camden, have you met me? I do NOT get up for my day at 4 am. Fortunately, he's okay with laying on the couch and watching cartoons. He only came into my room and yelled, "Mommmyyy! Mommmyyy! Wake up! It's 9:00!" What a dear boy... I only wish that I got to sleep until 9:00 every day. Camden also has far more of a social life than his father and I. We have become the taxi service that escorts him to Little Gym, lunch outings, play dates and birthday parties. Isn't it supposed to be a few more years before that happens? Of course I love every minute of it. I am so glad that he has friends outside of the two that he spends every day with. He has become fast friends with a little boy named Dash. They share a love for Thomas! Camden has train envy though, cause Dash has just about every Thomas made. That's supposed to start at a later age too right?

Yesterday Camden had one of his "Cam-isms." We were talking about going to the Chinese buffet for lunch. So, when it was time to get ready we said, "Ok. Let's get shoes and go." So he said, "Yeah, let's go eat the precious food!" So, we kind of both looked at each other and then asked him was he said. He responded with, "Oh, I mean the patches food." HA! Close enough sweet little boy.

Speaking of patches, (that was one heck of a segway), I was watching a pretty disturbing commercial. It was for the Venus Trim 'N Style I think it's called. In the commercial they show ladies and then they show landscaping - trees, bushes (oh the irony...) and topiaries. As the women pass by these things they shrink, straighten and groom themselves. (As I type this out it becomes ever more hilarious...) I am thinking the entire time that this is going to be some kind of diet or health supplement commercial. In other words, these things are shrinking in order to signify a shrinking waist or self. WRONG! It was to signify the grooming of a woman's hair down there. Oh my! After I saw what it was for, I was disturbed by the fact that all of these bushes and topiaries were different shapes. For example, they show one woman and then show a tall rectangular tree - landing strip anyone? Then on another lady they showed a triangle - who really has time for that? It was kind of embarassing to be a woman and watch that. Who really wants to display for all of America into what shape they trim themselves.

Ok, ok, enough of that... Definitely over this Monday. It's very hard to make children follow the rules and act right when they have not had to for a whole weekend. It exhausts me. All I can do is start the day with a positive attitude and hope that by the end I am not completely beat down! Praying for steps from Avery by her birthday. She's getting there in her own time. Just like she does everything else!

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