Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The small things.

Some of the most precious things in life are those little moments that you wouldn't miss for the world. Yesterday I had to tutor and since we haven't been able to find a babysitter Greg and I have worked out the logistics between the two of us. Being that it was Tuesday he couldn't leave work early, so I took the kids to him. On the way we stopped at the chicken store for kids eat free night. There was a little too much of the kids in kids eat free for Camden. He walked into the play area, stayed for about 3 minutes, and then came out of there and asked for ice cream. Being that we were pressed for time it worked out perfectly! After we got back in the car and were headed for Daddy one of Cam's favorite songs came on., "Hey Soul Sister." (He thinks this song was written for his sister.) So Camden sings to Avery, "Hey soul sista, hey theeee sista sista... radio... stayeo... the way mumble mumble mumble.. ya, you knowww..." All the while she is waving and saying, "hiiiiiii. hiiiiiiiii." Sweetest. thing. ever.

So, during the writing of this post to my blog was one of those never dull experiences in this house. The kids were playing in the backyard because they had far too much energy to be inside this morning. The sandbox got left open during the latest rainfall and is now a mixture of sand and water. So, the rule the past two days has been you can go outside, but you can't play in the sandbox. Of course, the boys (who have been the two staying out of the sandbox) played outside happily for about an hour and then decided to make some trouble. Lil' miss mommy came and told on them for getting her wet. When I called them to the door they thought it was the funniest thing ever that they were soaked head to toe and covered in sand. Of course I wasn't letting them in the house like that, so I stripped them down and said it's time for a bath. In the meantime, someone rang the doorbell. It was the builder coming to repaint the garage wall that was supposed to be done weeks ago. I sent the kids inside and went to meet him in the garage. Four kids in the house and a mommy in the garage is always the perfect formula for trouble. When I came inside about four minutes later, the three big kids had dropped trowel and were playing in the bathtub with no water. And then there's little Miss Avery splashing away in the toilet bowl.. thank the Lord it was a freshly cleaned (and flushed) toilet! I am now exhausted from bathing, drying and dressing three three-year-olds while trying to occupy a baby. Nap anyone??!!

Stay tuned for pictures.

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